C++: 素数判定と最大公約数を求める1行関数
1 2 3 4 | typedef long long LL; bool IsPrime(LL x){LL i=1; for (;x%++i&&i*i<=x;); return i*i>x&&x^1;} LL GCD(LL x,LL y){ return y?GCD(y,x%y):x;} |
1 | bool IsPrime(LL x){ for (LL i=2;i*i<=x;++i) if (x%i==0) return false ; return x!=1;} |
・メニューから「ウィンドウ」-「左右に分割」 (Shift + F4)
・メニューから「設定」-「共通設定」 (Ctrl + 6)
「ウィンドウ」タブ - 分割ウィンドウ - 「垂直スクロールの同期をとる」をチェックオフ
Firefox 上で HttpWatch を使う場合の Tips
HttpWatch を使えば、http 通信の内容を確認することができる。
しかし、Firefox でパイプライニングを有効にしていると、次のようなエラーが出て通信内容の取得ができない。
HttpWatch could not start recording because network.http.pipelining is enabled in Firefox |
about:config から以下の設定を「false」に戻す必要がある。
Python: M/M/c 待ち行列問題を解く
待ち行列理論の M/M/c モデル(=M/M/c/∞モデル、M/M/1モデルの一般化)の問題を Python で解く。
コードを簡単にするため、ビルトインの float をオーバーライドして0除算を可能にしている。
入力: トランザクション数 {λ∈0以上の浮動小数点数} (=平均到着間隔 Ta の逆数)
平均サービス時間 {Ts∈0以上の浮動小数点数} (=平均サービス率 μ の逆数)
サービス窓口数 {c∈1以上100以下の自然数}
出力:arr(arrival rate) = トランザクション数 = λ
dep(departure rate) = 平均サービス率 = μ
c = サービス窓口数
util = サービス利用率 = ρ = λ / cμ
TmQue = 平均待ち行列時間
TmSys = 平均応答時間(ターンアラウンドタイム)
NmQue = 待ち行列の長さの平均
NmSys = 待ち系の長さの平均
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 | # Copyright (c) 2011 Mog Project. All rights reserved. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ In the mathematical theory of random processes, the M/M/c queue is a multi-server queue model. It is a generalisation of the M/M/1 queue. Arrivals are a Poisson process Service time is exponentially distributed There are c servers The length of queue in which arriving users wait before being served is infinite The population of users (i.e. the pool of users), or requests, available to join the system is infinite This type of system arises in many situations, including lines at a bank, phone queueing systems, the application of computer resources, etc... """ import math from decimal import Decimal INF = float ( 'inf' ) class Float ( float ): def __div__( self , other): if other: return float .__div__( self , other) elif self = = 0.0 or math.isnan( self ): return float ( 'nan' ) return float ( 'inf' ) if self > 0.0 else float ( '-inf' ) class InputError(Exception): pass class MMcQueue( object ): def __init__( self , arrival_rate, service_time, num_servers = 1 ): """ @param arrival_rate: 0 and over @param service_time: 0 and over @param num_servers: int between 1 and 100, inclusive """ self .c = num_servers # Number of servers. if not ( isinstance (num_servers, int ) and 1 < = num_servers < = 100 ): raise InputError( 'num_servers must be int between 1 and 100, inclusive.' ) if arrival_rate < 0 or service_time < 0 : raise InputError( 'arrival_time and service_time must be 0 and over.' ) self .arrival_rate = Float (arrival_rate) service_time = Float (service_time) self .service_rate = Float ( 1.0 ) / service_time self .util = self .arrival_rate / self .service_rate / self .c if self .util = = 0.0 : self .tw = self .lq = self .lw = 0.0 self .tq = service_time return if self .util > = 1.0 : self .tw = self .tq = self .lq = self .lw = INF return crc = pow ( self .c * self .util, self .c) factc = math.factorial( self .c) x = 0.0 for i in range ( self .c): x + = pow ( self .c * self .util, i) / math.factorial(i) x + = crc / (factc * ( 1.0 - self .util)) x = crc / x / (factc * ( 1.0 - self .util)) # Expected number of customers waiting in queue – not in service self .lw = x * self .util / ( 1.0 - self .util) # Average waiting time in queue self .tw = Float ( self .lw) / self .arrival_rate # Average time in system (queued + serviced) self .tq = self .tw + service_time # Expected number of customers in system self .lq = self .arrival_rate * self .tq return def __str__( self ): return ( 'arr=%.3f, dep=%.3f, c=%d, util=%.3f, ' + 'TmQue=%.3f, TmSys=%.3f, NmQue=%.3f, NmSys=%.3f' ) \ % ( self .arrival_rate, self .service_rate, self .c, self .util, self .tw, self .tq, self .lw, self .lq) def main(): # boundary values print MMcQueue( 0 , 0 ) print MMcQueue( 1 , 0 ) print MMcQueue( 0 , 1 ) print MMcQueue( 1 , 1 ) print MMcQueue(INF, 0 ) print MMcQueue(INF, 1 ) print MMcQueue( 0 , INF) print MMcQueue( 1 , INF) print MMcQueue(INF, INF) print MMcQueue( 1 , 99 , 100 ) # error cases # print MMcQueue(-1, 1) # print MMcQueue(1, -1) # print MMcQueue(1, 1, 0) # print MMcQueue(1, 1, 101) # loop sample i = Decimal( 0.0 ) while i < = 2.0 : print MMcQueue(i, 10 , 15 ) i + = Decimal( 0.1 ) for i in range ( 1 , 10 ): print MMcQueue( 2 , 2 , i) if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | arr = 0.000 , dep = inf, c = 1 , util = 0.000 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 0.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 0.000 arr = 1.000 , dep = inf, c = 1 , util = 0.000 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 0.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 0.000 arr = 0.000 , dep = 1.000 , c = 1 , util = 0.000 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 1.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 0.000 arr = 1.000 , dep = 1.000 , c = 1 , util = 1.000 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = inf, dep = inf, c = 1 , util = nan, TmQue = nan, TmSys = nan, NmQue = nan, NmSys = nan arr = inf, dep = 1.000 , c = 1 , util = inf, TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 0.000 , dep = 0.000 , c = 1 , util = nan, TmQue = nan, TmSys = nan, NmQue = nan, NmSys = nan arr = 1.000 , dep = 0.000 , c = 1 , util = inf, TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = inf, dep = 0.000 , c = 1 , util = inf, TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 1.000 , dep = 0.010 , c = 100 , util = 0.990 , TmQue = 87.394 , TmSys = 186.394 , NmQue = 87.394 , NmSys = 186.394 arr = 0.000 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.000 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 0.000 arr = 0.100 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.067 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 1.000 arr = 0.200 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.133 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 2.000 arr = 0.300 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.200 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 3.000 arr = 0.400 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.267 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 4.000 arr = 0.500 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.333 , TmQue = 0.000 , TmSys = 10.000 , NmQue = 0.000 , NmSys = 5.000 arr = 0.600 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.400 , TmQue = 0.002 , TmSys = 10.002 , NmQue = 0.001 , NmSys = 6.001 arr = 0.700 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.467 , TmQue = 0.008 , TmSys = 10.008 , NmQue = 0.005 , NmSys = 7.005 arr = 0.800 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.533 , TmQue = 0.028 , TmSys = 10.028 , NmQue = 0.022 , NmSys = 8.022 arr = 0.900 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.600 , TmQue = 0.080 , TmSys = 10.080 , NmQue = 0.072 , NmSys = 9.072 arr = 1.000 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.667 , TmQue = 0.204 , TmSys = 10.204 , NmQue = 0.204 , NmSys = 10.204 arr = 1.100 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.733 , TmQue = 0.474 , TmSys = 10.474 , NmQue = 0.522 , NmSys = 11.522 arr = 1.200 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.800 , TmQue = 1.064 , TmSys = 11.064 , NmQue = 1.277 , NmSys = 13.277 arr = 1.300 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.867 , TmQue = 2.478 , TmSys = 12.478 , NmQue = 3.222 , NmSys = 16.222 arr = 1.400 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 0.933 , TmQue = 7.223 , TmSys = 17.223 , NmQue = 10.112 , NmSys = 24.112 arr = 1.500 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 1.000 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 1.600 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 1.067 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 1.700 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 1.133 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 1.800 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 1.200 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 1.900 , dep = 0.100 , c = 15 , util = 1.267 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 1 , util = 4.000 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 2 , util = 2.000 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 3 , util = 1.333 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 4 , util = 1.000 , TmQue = inf, TmSys = inf, NmQue = inf, NmSys = inf arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 5 , util = 0.800 , TmQue = 1.108 , TmSys = 3.108 , NmQue = 2.216 , NmSys = 6.216 arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 6 , util = 0.667 , TmQue = 0.285 , TmSys = 2.285 , NmQue = 0.570 , NmSys = 4.570 arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 7 , util = 0.571 , TmQue = 0.090 , TmSys = 2.090 , NmQue = 0.180 , NmSys = 4.180 arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 8 , util = 0.500 , TmQue = 0.030 , TmSys = 2.030 , NmQue = 0.059 , NmSys = 4.059 arr = 2.000 , dep = 0.500 , c = 9 , util = 0.444 , TmQue = 0.010 , TmSys = 2.010 , NmQue = 0.019 , NmSys = 4.019 |
Python: 多階層のループから抜け出す方法
goto が使えないので例外を発生させるか、このような方法を取る。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | for i in range ( 5000 ): for j in range ( 3000 ): if should_terminate_the_loop: break else : continue # no break encountered break |