Python: ユニットテストの実行
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Pythonでは、テスト駆動開発(TDD/Test-Driven Development)に必要なツールが標準で用意されている。
・unittest モジュールをインポート
・そのメソッドの中でテストしたい処理を実行 ⇒ 例外が発生せずメソッドが完了すれば、テストOKとなる
・同値性の確認:self.assertEqual(first, second)
⇒ with ステートメントを使うと非常にスマートなコーディングができる。
・unittest.main() を実行
#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # Copyright (c) 2011 Mog Project. All rights reserved. from shogi.piece import Piece from shogi.piece import PieceError import unittest class Test(unittest.TestCase): # csa, owner, type, origin, reverse, promote all_pieces = ( (None, ' ', '* ', ' * ', ' * ', None), (' * ', ' ', '* ', ' * ', ' * ', None), (' XX', ' ', '* ', ' * ', ' * ', None), ('+FU', '+', 'FU', '+FU', '-FU', '+TO'), ('+KY', '+', 'KY', '+KY', '-KY', '+NY'), ('+KE', '+', 'KE', '+KE', '-KE', '+NK'), ('+GI', '+', 'GI', '+GI', '-GI', '+NG'), ('+KI', '+', 'KI', '+KI', '-KI', None), ('+KA', '+', 'KA', '+KA', '-KA', '+UM'), ('+HI', '+', 'HI', '+HI', '-HI', '+RY'), ('+OU', '+', 'OU', '+OU', '-OU', None), ('+TO', '+', 'TO', '+FU', '-TO', None), ('+NY', '+', 'NY', '+KY', '-NY', None), ('+NK', '+', 'NK', '+KE', '-NK', None), ('+NG', '+', 'NG', '+GI', '-NG', None), ('+UM', '+', 'UM', '+KA', '-UM', None), ('+RY', '+', 'RY', '+HI', '-RY', None), ('-FU', '-', 'FU', '-FU', '+FU', '-TO'), ('-KY', '-', 'KY', '-KY', '+KY', '-NY'), ('-KE', '-', 'KE', '-KE', '+KE', '-NK'), ('-GI', '-', 'GI', '-GI', '+GI', '-NG'), ('-KI', '-', 'KI', '-KI', '+KI', None), ('-KA', '-', 'KA', '-KA', '+KA', '-UM'), ('-HI', '-', 'HI', '-HI', '+HI', '-RY'), ('-OU', '-', 'OU', '-OU', '+OU', None), ('-TO', '-', 'TO', '-FU', '+TO', None), ('-NY', '-', 'NY', '-KY', '+NY', None), ('-NK', '-', 'NK', '-KE', '+NK', None), ('-NG', '-', 'NG', '-GI', '+NG', None), ('-UM', '-', 'UM', '-KA', '+UM', None), ('-RY', '-', 'RY', '-HI', '+RY', None), ) def test_all(self): print '[All pieces]' for csa, owner, type_, origin, reverse, promote in self.all_pieces: print csa, owner, type_, origin, reverse, promote p = Piece() if not csa else Piece(csa) self.assertEqual(str(p), '%s%s' % (owner, type_)) self.assertEqual(repr(p), "Piece('%s%s')" % (owner, type_)) self.assertEqual(p.owner(), owner) self.assertEqual(p.type_(), type_) self.assertEqual(p.origin(), Piece(origin)) self.assertEqual(p.reverse(), Piece(reverse)) self.assertEqual(p.is_promotable(), promote != None) if promote: self.assertEqual(p.promote(), Piece(promote)) def test_initialize_error(self): print '[Initialize errors]' for csa in ('', ' ', '-', 'SPAM', '=FU', '+Fu', 0): with self.assertRaises(PieceError) as cm: Piece(csa) print cm.exception def test_modify_error(self): print '[Modify error]' with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: x = Piece('+FU') x.csa = '-FU' print cm.exception def test_delete_error(self): print '[Delete error]' with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as cm: x = Piece('+FU') del x.csa print cm.exception def test_promote_error(self): print '[Promote errors]' for x in (None, '+', '-'): for y in ('OU', 'KI', 'TO', 'NY', 'NK', 'NG', 'UM', 'RY'): with self.assertRaises(PieceError) as cm: if not x: Piece().promote() else: Piece(x + y).promote() print cm.exception if not x: break if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()
・出力結果(Eclipse + Pydev で実行)
pydev debugger: warning: psyco not available for speedups (the debugger will still work correctly, but a bit slower) [All pieces] OK |
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